Shock Wave Studio

Logo design

This time, I designed a logo for Shock Wave Studio, which mainly focuses on aerial photography made by drones, real estate virtual tours, postproduction of videos, commercials, and production of clips. I was inspired by an impact wave that arises when the aircraft exceeds the speed of sound and so I made few drafts.

tvorba leteckých záberov

The client chose one of these logos and so I created a logo manual. The bearing logo identity is projected into a monogram in which the letter "W" is highlighted as the dominant of the selected word. "W" as wave as well as "W" wings symbol of flying.


Foto: www.florian-ledoux.com



Foto: www.dronestagr.am

Foto: www.tominspires.com

Foto: www.florian-ledoux.com



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Publikované 17. 01. 2018
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